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Formation thérapeutes - Institut Neurolink

Neurolink Institute

An innovative and efficient process for practitioners and therapists

Are you a practitioner or therapist looking for a truly holistic method to help your patients achieve optimal health?

The growing demand for the Neurolink Process, and the results we're seeing on the many disorders and pains people can present with, have prompted us to train practitioners and therapists in France and around the world.

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A comprehensive and efficient training

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A 6 months Quality training

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Neurolink training is open to all office-based practitioners

Institut Neurolink - Formation thérapeutes

What is the Neurolink Process ?

Neurolink, an innovative holistic paramedical process 

Institut Neurolink - Processus Neurolink

The Neurolink Process, which is both humanly and scientifically innovative, has been practised by Olivier (osteopath) for 14 years with thousands of patients. 

It was originally an innovative osteopathic technique. We have refined and packaged it into a comprehensive, high-quality training program for a wider audience of practitioners. 

The training provided by the Neurolink Institute is aimed at all therapists already practicing in their own offices.

The Neurolink Process is unlike any other practice, because it combines all these aspects:

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Who should attend ?

Any practitioner or therapist already familiar with bodily practices and therapeutic posture. 


To ensure that the training runs as smoothly as possible, we provide pre-requisites to bridge differences in therapists' knowledge. However, anatomical notions and a previous therapeutic attitude are essential.


The Neurolink Process is a demanding therapy for the practitioner, and the quality and efficiency of the treatment depends on it. It is therefore preferable for practitioners to be involved in this process, which requires them to work on themselves. Good emotional management and self-awareness are a plus that will facilitate the application of the Neurolink Process.

Formation thérapeutes Neurolink
Processus Neurolink - Formation praticiens

The Neurolink Process for which health problems and for whom ?

This paramedical protocol is an effective and, above all, long-lasting response to pain, disorders and pathologies of all kinds.


There are no limits to what can be considerably improved with this protocol, since it acts on the individual's own terrain, not on the symptoms. Thus, we see results on skin, transit, hormonal, sleep and behavioral disorders, headaches, various types of pain, including neuralgia, and we also have excellent results on post-COVID and long COVID.


We see a wide range of patients, from babies just a few days old to the very elderly, from top-level sportsmen and women to pregnant women and children of all ages. People with pathologies, even serious ones, are welcome, as are those with autistic disorders. As far as the latter are concerned, the earlier the work begins, the more eloquent the results will be.

Formation thérapeutes - Neurolink
Institut Neurolink - Formation thérapeutes

Our dearest wish !

We want as many people as possible to benefit from the Neurolink Process. To achieve this, we train therapists internationally. There are no borders, no limits, to ensure optimal health for every individual. 

It's clear that our health is our most precious possession, and doing everything in our power to help you preserve or regain it is our dearest wish!


With the Neurolink Process, we've had rave, even incredible, feedback from patients who've received it. Sometimes just one session is enough to see small miracles take place.

Neurolink, un processus paramédical holistique - Neurolink

How is the training organized ?

Neurolink, a holistic paramedical process

The aim of the training is to pass on this innovative paramedical protocol to every practitioner. 

Ingrid and Olivier have created a comprehensive training method, inspired by their many years of experience in the field. You can find out more about their backgrounds and skills at this link.

Neurolink, un processus paramédical holistique

The training is divided into 4 stages:

On-line prerequisites on anatomy, physiology and preliminary techniques, with the lexicon used in the seminar.



A first week of learning over 7 days (with a 1-day break in the middle)


Approximately 3 to 4 months of personal work, during which students practice and reinforce their skills.


A second week of training, also over 7 days, with certification at the end.

We have broken down the transmission of the protocol into 2 phases to limit the flow of information and allow trainees to practice between the 2 weeks of training. 

The 3 to 4 months of supervised practice and assimilation time is ideal for learning the second part of the process.

Accessible, reassuring training

The presence of Olivier, who trains the trainees, and Ingrid, who provides coaching support and back-office management, brings a real sense of uniqueness and quality to the training curriculum.

We are committed to building a close-knit team of Neurolink practitioners, who together contribute to the worldwide deployment of the Neurolink Method.

To ensure that the training is accessible to all practising therapists, we have set up several options:

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Pay for the course in 1, 3 or 6 instalments, as we all have other lives to attend to !


Several sessions per year, because not everyone's schedule is flexible.

The possibility of returning to a training seminar to adjust, correct and reinforce what you've learned, because not everyone learns at the same speed !

We want to put in place as many levers as possible so that you can access this incredible tool and that all future practitioners have the same quality of care!

Beyond training: a method

The Neurolink Method is made up of highly specialized technical and human training engineering. The global expertise of our trainers offers comprehensive support, based on an understanding of the self and its operating modes, with a view to acquiring the best posture.

With this in mind, we ask for your goodwill and desire to contribute together for the well-being and deployment of the entire Neurolink community.


To check your eligibility, contact us on +33(0)6 14 76 14 01 or

Our aim is to put in place as many levers as possible to give you access to this incredible tool, and to ensure that all future practitioners enjoy the same quality of care!

Neurolink - Témoignages thérapeutes et patients



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